Access Control Power Supply - Is The Best #1

Access Control Power Supply


Access Control Power Supply

Access Control Power Supply dapat digunakan sebagai penyalur sekaligus backup power untuk Access Control System. Produk ini dapat dilengkapi dengan tambahan battery 12V7A. Battery akan di-recharge pada saat listrik masuk, dan secara otomatis switching ke battery bila listrik padam. Casing Power Supply dilengkapi dengan Led Indicator untuk tanda status sumber listrik yang sedang digunakan. Access Control Power Supply ini memiliki kapasitas supply maksimum 5 Ampere dan dapat diintegrasikan dengan berbagai jenis Access Control Panel.


Access Control Power Supply

DC output: Standard 12VDC 3A/5A
Direct control of electric locks:
Can reduce the access controller load, save project wiring, reduce the hidden trouble.
Set NC / NO output, can control all types of electric locks.
Set delay control circuit, unlock time can be 0-10 seconds.
Open the door button input, can directly open the electric lock, automatic protection

(PUSH) or other switching signal output to drive the alarm in the power supply to enhance the security of the entrance and exit, and reduce the potential safety hazard: when the power supply is short-circuited, the fuse can be automatically disconnected.

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